Child, born into this world
Many will tell you who to be
How to feel, what to see
Clothe you in flaws they forced your fathers to wear
Tell you to walk a path that leads nowhere
They will make a mask,
Painting it red
Lying in wait so they can place it on your face
Works even better when you are dead
Your life you own only by name
A life created before you could cry
The minute you cried, you were swaddled in possibilities
A life you can carve, it is yours to own
Works even better when you concentrate
See the crown that sits on your head?
It turns their eyes into a bitter shade of red
As you run on a road that can go anywhere
Free from the fetters,
For they were never yours to bear
Only you can decide what to see
Your eyes were formed for that
Only you can decide how to feel
Your heart was built for that
Only you can decide who to be
Your soul was created for that
Child, you are not of this world