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I Know Good


Giving generously is a gift most gracious.

For hope emerges from the homeless when there's a helping hand,

And our duty to the destitute must always be desirable.

To want otherwise is to welcome wickedness with warmth,

Letting disgust distort and debase dispositions.

And who among us aches to be acquainted with apathy?

So sink all scorn for those subjected to squalor.

Remember, repugnant reactions are rarely rectified

Especially with eager eyewitnesses.

It takes no genius, guile, or guesswork to grasp that

Goodness always glows when given a gaze.

I should know. I know good.

Goodwill need not be grand.

A call, a conversation, a compliment; none compulsory but all compassionate.

A hello, a please, a thanks, it is thoughtful

To showcase sincerity and secure smiles.

Many may think it's facile, but it's all about perspective,

And allaying the ailing and the abused is admirable,

Supplying the necessary tools to negate the unfavourable and nurture positive meanings.

Understand this: ugly utterances usually undo

All virtuous deeds, they only need the right auditors.

So mind your mouth, for it's maddening to mollify the masses but marvellous to see how

Goodness always glisters when granted a gathering's ear.

I should know. I know good.

Benevolence beams not in thoughts but in actions

And motives do acquire honest hues when miracles happen.

After all, the decision truly lies with the destination and not the journey,

Although it's best to present a trek rather than a jaunt.

It makes it easier to wear the habiliments of humility,

And harder for talks spun with envious words to stand.

So be a charm to the hapless and the undesirable,

A beacon for the despondent and the misguided.

All acts of kindness become wondrous works

When shaped by the correct communicators, for

Goodness always gleams when guided by gifted tongues.

I should know. I know good.

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